Main Street Vehicles

Some stats:

  • Opening Date: October 1, 1971
  • Sponsor: National Car Rental
  • Description from MK Guidemap: Ride a horse-drawn trolley and other vintage vehicles
  • Vehicle Descriptions:
    • 1903 Horseless Carriages - Antique auto replica with surrey. There are 3 carriages, one yellow, one red, and one blue
    • Fire Engine - a replica of an early fire engine
    • Horse Trolleys - 3 horse-drawn street cars (no more than 2 run each day)
    • Jitney - 2 antique auto replicas with open bench seating
    • Omnibus - a double-decker bus
    • Car Barn: The car barn serves as a storage place for the Horse Trolleys. The front portion of the car barn is open so that guests can view the horses.